Pink Dogwood at sunset

Pink Dogwood at sunset

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Wife, Mother, Photographer, Gardener, Farmer in training, Crafter, Chef Extraordinaire, Disney Enthusiast, Travel bug.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Colorful Days

Here it is the middle of November and there is a definite nip in the air.  Half the trees on the block are empty, the other half are filled with glorious fall colors.  I guess some of our trees needed the really cold nights, for them to change color.  The past 2 days the sky has been a beautifully brilliant shade of deep blue.  It makes the leaves stand out even more.  Yesterday I went out into my back yard to observe the beauty God has bestowed us.  Here is what I observed. (all images are sooc {straight out of camera})

I feel so blessed to be able to not only recognize God's beauty, but to have been blessed with the gift to be able to capture it to share with you.  Alot of people get so busy in their every day life, that they fail to stop and notice.  I know my husband would probably be blind to this, if not for me.  He gets so busy with his very important job, and with his classes that he sometimes forgets to stop and see, and smell and hear all that is around him.  I think alot of us are guilty of the same.  So take time today to stop and see.  Even if its only through this blog, see Gods beauty.

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