Pink Dogwood at sunset

Pink Dogwood at sunset

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Wife, Mother, Photographer, Gardener, Farmer in training, Crafter, Chef Extraordinaire, Disney Enthusiast, Travel bug.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Autumn part 2

After Hurricane Sandy hit us, I didnt think there would be any leaves left on the trees.  Its an unusual thing for me.  Coming from Michigan, it seems fall comes and goes so quickly.  Here it is, November, and there are still green leaves.  Granted the green leaves are less and less every day, but they are still there nontheless.

I am going to enjoy it while I can.  Winter comes all too quickly.  Its getting colder here in Virginia, and soon the leaves and color will be gone.  Rest assured though, this photographer likes to play in the snow and cold.  I dont stay inside, just because its cold outside.  I even bought myself a beautiful new wool coat, So I can enjoy my winter.

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