Pink Dogwood at sunset

Pink Dogwood at sunset

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Wife, Mother, Photographer, Gardener, Farmer in training, Crafter, Chef Extraordinaire, Disney Enthusiast, Travel bug.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Autumn Part One

Fall is my favorite time of the year. I love the colors and the smell of fallen leaves.  I love the cooler weather and pumpkin picking.  I love apple cider, apple picking, and  roasting pumpkin seeds.  I love walking through crunching leaves.  How could anyone not like fall?

October is always filled with fun family activities for my family. To start with we took a nice long drive up to the mountains.  I am in love with Skyline Drive. The shenandoah mountain range has a special place in my heart.  Last year after first moving to Virginia, I wanted so desperately to go see the color change in the mountains. I had heard how beautiful it was up there in the fall and had dreamt of going.  But we couldnt make it.  This year, it was worth the wait.

here is a panorama view of the moutain tops.
the colorful mountains
My daughter looking out over the view.
We also went pumpkin picking at our local nursery.  We usually visit a farm and cut our own, but they were closed on Sunday.  It was fun regardless, because the nursery has a haunted bus for decoration!

Then to round off our weekend, my husband has every other monday off at work.  So him and I went to the local reservoir to take a hike through the trails.  Even though the color of the leaves had not yet hit peak color, it was still beautiful.
who knew there would be such a vibrant shade of pink among the fall leaves.

Vibrant reds popping out from the green forrest
this one actually reminds me of Christmas.
which will be here before we know it.  But as for right now, im enjoying the weather, the colors and smells of fall.  I hope you are too.  Get out there and breathe it in. It will be gone before you know it, and soon winters cold drab world will be upon us.

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