Pink Dogwood at sunset

Pink Dogwood at sunset

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Wife, Mother, Photographer, Gardener, Farmer in training, Crafter, Chef Extraordinaire, Disney Enthusiast, Travel bug.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Farmer Jen

I have had this dream since forever. I have always wanted to live on a farm, run a farm, be a farmer.  I know to most people that just sounds absolutely ridiculous.  

My Papa lived down the street from us my entire childhood.  My papa was an urban farmer.  From the front yard it looked like every other house on the block.  Once you stepped through his back porch the world changed.  Even though I was never particularly close to my papa, my Uncle Peaches also lived there and he was a second father to me.  In the back yard was hand built raised beds, filled with mostly rhubarb, but other veggies on occasion.  My only concern was the rhubarb, its still my favorite veggie.  Raw with salt! mmm.  He also had pens, and coops filled with foul, and birds of all kinds.  He had quail, pheasants, ducks, chickens, and fancy chickens, along with coups with pigeons.  I remember fresh egg being sent to our house, and refusing to eat brown eggs.  gross.  My mom fed them to me anyway, lying saying they were from the store.  They were delicious by the way, and I am not a big egg fan.  He also had this great big giant snow ball bush, that I was in love with.  His backyard was like the secret garden to me.  All hidden behind a fence, that the cold cruel world outside never saw.  It was our safety.  Because in the front yard, hid the drug dealers, crack heads, and I cant tell you how many times we were approached by grown men in that neighborhood, with ill intent.  

I guess thats where my fantasy comes in.  To be a Farmer, or master secret gardener at least.  When we bought and moved into this house, I had every intention of having a garden and growing my own food.  If we didnt live in an homeowners association, I would also have a few goats back there as well. But I digress.  The first year didnt go so well.  We have a crazy dog who likes to eat all my tomatoes.  Not only that we tried to plant in a plot, and the soil back there is tough and full of clay.  I knew, we had to have a fence to keep the dogs out, and my veggies in.  Last year we went BIG.  Chris built me my own little secret garden! Its surrounded by a fence, with a gate that latches.  We have 2 raised beds, and working on a 3rd this year.  He built me a beautiful bench, which I painted pink.  The bench is surrounded by colorful pots filled to the rim with flowers! (The flowers attract bees, which pollinate the veggie plants and gives us veggies). We are even working on putting a planting table out there for me.
Right now we have lots of veggie seedlings growing on our covered deck.  They are doing much better than I thought they would.  I had a lot of trouble with seeds in the past, and gave up and bought plants.  However my goal this year is to be a self reliant as possible.  Start everything from seed, spend as little as possible, and grow enough food to sustain my family and pass the rest on to others.  

My husband promises me one day he will buy me my farm.  I guess this is my practice for being a real farmer.  As for right now I am so happy with our little secret garden.  Some nights when its warm, I go out there and sit among my plants, and watch the sunset paint the sky cotton candy colors.  I pray prayers of thanksgiving, and I feel Gods love and peace throughout me.  Some days that little section of land, is my only calm in a hectic day.  I am so thankful for that. 

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