Pink Dogwood at sunset

Pink Dogwood at sunset

About Me

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Wife, Mother, Photographer, Gardener, Farmer in training, Crafter, Chef Extraordinaire, Disney Enthusiast, Travel bug.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Life as I know it

I have received a few emails from my very favorite clients asking for an update. Its been a long while.  To start,  our son was born in August. A very healthy happy baby boy. He was born via c section after a very long hard 4 days.  He was a very special birthday present to me. We joke around about the surgery because it was a surgery that enables me to get pregnant and a surgery that helped him be born. I have 5 scars that I wouldn't trade for the world, because they remind me of my perfect little miracle.

Life as you can imagine is really busy. He keeps me busy all hours of the day and night and my daughter and nieces keep me pretty busy too.  Between ballet and middle school and making homemade healthy dinners every night. There isn't much time left.

So i have decided to retire for the time being.  I will still post from time to time. And still will do sessions for family and friends and by request from those of you who have been loyal and loving to me. But for now im being completely selfish and just doing life the way I know how. By giving my all to the children God entrusted me with. By being the best wife I can to my husband. And by using my skills to document this amazing life I have been given.

Thank you all for sticking around,  by standing beside me, and especially for all the prayers and support you all have given me. I love y'all more than I can express.

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