Pink Dogwood at sunset

Pink Dogwood at sunset

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Wife, Mother, Photographer, Gardener, Farmer in training, Crafter, Chef Extraordinaire, Disney Enthusiast, Travel bug.

Friday, September 6, 2013

today, I love myself

Today i felt like poop.  I wanted to go back to bed, after the girls got on the bus.  I wanted to lay down and sleep.  My body is sore from the workouts, the weights, and the household mommy duties.  Ya know what i did, i got my work out outfit on.  I didn't want to, but i did.  Then i went downstairs and stretched, and then did exercises using my resistant band.  I followed that with 40 full situps.  a quick 25 minute, but very effective workout.

Then i sat down and ate a small bowl of oatmeal.

The neighbor came over and asked if i wanted to go for a walk. so we walked..2.33 miles.

I ate a big giant bowl of mexican salad, with pinto beans, and grilled chicken. mm it was delish!

Then i became really tired again.  Thats ok though, I did alot.  Now im making dinner.  My husband wanted Taco salad, and even though I had something similar for lunch, i LOVE taco salad and couldnt resist.  IM HUNGRY!

Working out always makes me feel better, emotionally and physically.  I am a different person when I am working out regularly.  A happier person.  and I love myself.

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