Pink Dogwood at sunset

Pink Dogwood at sunset

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Healthy Recipe, Avocado cucumber salad

I love avocados! In fact my whole family loves avacados.   I make the absolute best guacamole around! but there is a limit to how much guac one can eat.  I also like to put sliced avacados in my salad.  But i was trying to come up with a way to eat them as a side dish with dinner, or as a nice lunch.  This salad is really good stuffed into a wheat pita pocket, or along side your favorite dinner item.  We had it with a roast last night, and it goes really well with grilled chicken.  Try it, I promise you will love it as much as we do.

2 ripe avacados
half cucumber
2 tbsn red onion
half chopped jalepeno
juice from a lemon (or lime)
one small roma tomato

Dice everything and mix together, add a pinch of salt.  Easy peasy, and so delicious!

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