When my mom told me Santa isnt real, I remember crying my eyes out. It broke my heart, and Christmas didnt mean as much to me since it lost its magic. Until one cold Christmas Eve, a knock came on our door around midnight. We opened the door to see a porch full of Christmas presents. I was a teenager, and somehow I found the spirit of Santa still lived in my heart. We werent very well off growing up, and that Christmas is one that I remember most. Years following, when we were a little better off financially, we acted as Santa to other families.

When my husband and I celebrated our first Christmas together Christmas again changed. We decorated our little apartment with tinsel and lights, and started our own family traditions. Joining 2 families, and 2 very different set of traditions has changed Christmas for both of us. He has always believed a star should top the tree, and I always want my Angel atop the tree. I have never seen a real Christmas tree, and he demanded we buy a fresh cut tree. So now with our daughter joined in, we put our traditions together and create something that is uniquely us. We cut down our own tree, and put an angel atop. We decorate like the Grizwolds, and always try to give back to other families. I wrap the gifts with colorful paper, and he follows in his Grandma's traditions and puts ribbon and bows on afterward.
When my mother passed away 2 years ago, I never thought I could find magic in Christmas again. She loved Christmas more than anyone. Her birthday is just days before Christmas. She always made Christmas a magical time for us. Moving away last year from the only place I have ever known as home (Michigan) made the holidays even harder. But When we were driving home this past Wednesday to Celebrate the holidays in Michigan, it all made sense. We listened to Christmas songs as we drove. Songs like "I'll be home for Christmas", "White Christmas", and "There's no place like home, for the holidays" all of a sudden meant so much more to me. Driving across the country to visit family, to share a meal with. Seeing snow on the ground. Spending time with your loved ones. Giving someone a little piece of Christmas spirit. Its all magical. Its all wonderful. Its all the meaning of Christmas.